Alfabeto italiano e pronunce difficili


L’alfabeto italiano è facile! Abbiamo solo 21 lettere. Vediamo le pronunce difficili!

Doppia lettera (BB, CC, DD ecc…)

In italiano la doppia lettera si pronuncia più lunga.

La lettera C

C + A

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C + O

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C + U

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C + E

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C + I

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C + I + A

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C + I + O

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C + I + U

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C + H + E

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C + H + I

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La lettera G

G + A

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G + O

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G + U

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G + E

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G + I

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G + I + A

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G + I + O

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G + I + U

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G + H + E

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G + H + I

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G + N + A

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G + N + E

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G + N + I

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G + N + O

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G + N + U

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G + L + I + A

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G + L + I + E

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G + L + I

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G + L + I + O

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G + L + I + U

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G + L + A

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G + L + E

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G + L + I (inizio parola o dopo N)

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G + L + O

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G + L + U

Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (version 9 or above) is required to play this audio clip. Download the latest version here. You also need to have JavaScript enabled in your browser.


La lettera H

H in italiano non si pronuncia! Serve solo per rendere dure la C e la G e per scrivere il verbo AVERE.
La lettera S

S (inizio parola)
S + consonante
consonante + S

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vocale + S + vocale

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S + C + I + A

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S + C + E
S + C + I

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S + C + I + O

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S + C + I + U

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La lettera Z

Z sorda

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Z sonora

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Precedente Alfabeto italiano e pronuncia Successivo La cronaca calcistica